Biodiversity in the bush-Perth Metro

  • Duración: 4 Horas (aproximadamente)
  • Ubicación: 380 Allen Road, Mundaring

Years 7-10 

Plants need animals and animals need plants. But do they need humans? 

On this excursion students will explore, through hands on activities and field visits, the biodiversity of our forests, its inhabitants’ relationships and how humans are impacting and managing the forest ecosystems. Create your own excursion for a single class or up to a whole year level through our choice of activities.

Please read through all the below options carefully as you will be asked to select your core activity and optional activities on your booking request form.

Core activities (choose ONE of either):

Biodiversity observations
What is in our forests? At several locations in the forest students will observe and record the diversity of plant and other life in the environment. Students will then group the diversity based on similar features and use provided keys to identify their findings.

Duration – 1 Hour 40 minutes

Protecting our threatened fauna – Western Shield
Our wildlife is under threat! How is Parks and Wildlife managing the threats to our unique native animals? Students will learn about our unique wildlife conservation program – Western Shield. Examine how we monitor fauna populations and what strategies we employ to limit the threat posed by introduced predators.

Duration – 1 Hour 40 minutes

Optional activities (Choose Animals in the habitats or 2 of the others):

Animals in their habitats
Does a section of the jarrah forest have the resources necessary to support a reintroduced population of one of our threatened species? Students explore the forest as habitat by looking into food webs, shelter requirements, vulnerability to predators to decide which threatened species should be re-introduced to this area.

Duration – 1 Hour 40 minutes


TWO of:

Plant survival techniques

On a forest walk students will discover the range of strategies plants utilise to survive in our harsh environment. Strategies include – symbiotic relationships, leaf modifications, hidden and protected growth points, leaf coatings.

Duration – 50 minutes

Changing times – How to protect our forests for the future

After nearly 200 of harvesting timber our jarrah forest now is very different to its pre-European settlement condition. Students explore management actions, such as thinning, to reduce any further impacts on the forest ecosystem.

Duration – 50 minutes

Eco walk
Enjoy a guided walk through the forest, focusing on key plant species and signs of animal activity.

Duration – 50 minutes

Animal evidence
When in the forest you won’t always see animals, but they leave their “evidence” behind. Using keys students will unlock evidence to determine a range of forest dwellers.

Duration – 50 minutes

Animal encounter

Get up close to some of our unique native animals and learn about their special adaptations to the Australian environment. Choose from mammals, reptiles or birds of prey.

Duration – 50 minutes

COST: $505 (inc GST), max 30 students  (no animal encounter) 

            $890 with animal encounter (inc GST) max 30 students 


Duration: 4 hours. Excursion runs from 10am to 2pm including morning tea and lunch times.  Groups arrive at 10 am then have 15-20 minutes for morning tea, activities commence after morning tea. Finish times can be adjusted to your needs.


  • Perth Hills Discovery Centre, Mundaring 

  • Forest Discovery Centre, Dwellingup (depending on availability)  

Please note:

  1. Maximum students per group is 30. Multiple groups can be accommodated.
  2. Our booking officer will get back to you via email to confirm your excursion within 7 working days.

Click here for more information on planning your visit:

If you have any questions regarding this activity, please email us at You need to submit and online enquiry form for any program, no bookings will be taken via email or phone.