Swan Canning River system inquiry Excursion / Package - CREEC

- Durata: 4 Ore (aprox.)
Years 11 and 12
Investigate environmental change and management within the Swan Canning Riverpark
The Swan Canning Riverpark and the iconic rivers at its heart are the centrepiece of Perth. Blessed with diverse and resilient ecosystems, the Swan and Canning rivers are a recreational playground and a source of vibrant commercial and tourism activity. Students undertake a range of hands on tasks to understand the importance of biodiversity in the riverine ecosystem; the major threats to its health and how those threats are being managed. The excursion can be done with a Geography or Biology focus:
Geography: Engage in fieldwork to collect primary data for investigation into how the impacts on land cover are being addressed and evaluated.
Science: Engage in fieldwork to collect primary data and monitor biodiversity of the Riverpark.
- Incursion; catchment model activity relating land use to catchment management and pollutants in the river system.
- Excursion; Field work as described above.
It is highly recommended that schools undertake the Swan Canning River system inquiry package(one-hour catchment model incursion before the excursion). The package is designed to prepare the students for the field trip by providing relevant information so we free up as much time as possible for hands-on fieldwork whilst on the excursion.
Geography ATAR Unit 3, Geography General Unit 1, Biology ATAR Unit 1, Biology General Unit 4, Integrated Science ATAR Unit 2, Integrated Science General Unit 1
COST: $16.50 per student (minimum payment for 20 students) for excursion and $180 for catchment model incursion if doing the package
Excursion runs from 10am to 2pm including breaks for morning tea and lunch. Finish times can be adjusted to your needs.
- Maximum students per group is 30. Multiple groups can be accommodated.
- Our booking officer will get back to you via email to confirm your excursion within 7 working days.
If you have any questions in regards to this activity, please email us at n2n@dbca.wa.gov.au. You need to submit and online enquiry form for any program, no bookings will be taken via email or phone.