Drains to Living Streams Excursion

À partir de AUD 5,00 $AU
  • Durée: 6 Heures (environ)
  • Lieu: Waterford, WA
Drains to Living Streams Excursion for Year 12 Geography ATAR 

Delivered by River Guardians, DBCA. Developed in partnership with DBCA, Trinity College and Perth NRM.

$5 per student, no minimum charge (max class size of 30 students)

Schools must organise transport to Bodkin Park (start of excursion) and CREEC (at lunch for second half of excursion). 

The work you will be completing on this fieldtrip links explicitly to the ATAR Year 12 Geography Syllabus. This excursion aims to address the following Year 12, Unit 3, Depth Study 2 syllabus objectives: 

- Explain two strategies designed to address the impacts of land cover change on local and/or regional environments. 

- Evaluate two strategies, considering environmental, economic and social benefits and costs, using the concept of sustainability

Two strategies will be investigated, compared, and evaluated:  

- Drains to Living Streams

Artificial Oxygenation Plants

Living streams and oxygenation plants are both strategies which aim to address the impacts of land cover change on the Swan-Canning River Catchment.

Students will have the opportunity to understand and evaluate both programs, through data collection and analysis, as well as practical field observation.


8.30am – 9.30am

Andrew Thompson Conservation Reserve (Curtin River Boatshed)

Welcome, Introduction to the Swan-Canning River Catchment and the History of Land Cover Change in Perth. Site and Situation Map interpretation. Walk to Bodkin Park wetland.


Bodkin Park South

The Swan-Canning River Ecosystem structure and dynamics

10.00am- 11.30am

Bodkin Park Urban Drain

The impacts of land cover change, Water sampling


Bodkin Park Living Stream

A strategy to address the impacts of land cover change,
Water Sampling


In transit

Travel to Canning River Eco Education Centre (CREEC)





Canning River Oxygenation Plant

An alternative strategy to address the impacts of land cover change.


Kent Street Weir

Field Sketch


CREEC Melaleuca Room

Evaluation of both strategies