Nocturnal Fauna Monitoring-Perth Metro

- Duration: 4 Hours (approx.)
- Location: 380 Allen Rd, Mundaring, WA
Years 11 and 12
Take a closer look at the alternative techniques used by Western Sheild and DBCA to monitor nocturnal fauna. Set light traps to study and identify invertebrates, set camera and sand traps as alternative ways to monitor fauna. Discuss animal ethics and its place in the department and science. Schools get to keep invertebrate and motion sensor images, via USB. Data collected can be used to form a Fauna Management Plan for the Centre as a post excursion activity.
This session has a late finish and early start time, in line with sunset and sunrise times. We recommend you stay close to the Perth Hills Discovery Centre.
Why not camp with us? (see related products)
We recommend doing the Fauna Biology program to fully understand the role of Western Shield and other monitoring techniques, like trapping. (see related products)
Curriculum links: Biology ATAR Unit 1(SCSA, ACv9), Biology General Unit 4 (SCSA, ACv9) Cross-curricular and General Capabilities: Critical and Creative Thinking (ACv9), Numeracy (ACv9), Personal and Social Capability (ACv9), Sustainability (ACv9)
COST: $640 (inc GST), max 20 students
*Extra costs for biology excursion and camping.
Duration: 4 hours (3 evening, 1 morning), camping or staying close to the centre is recommended
Venue: Perth Hills Discovery Centre
Please note:
- Maximum students per group is 20.
- Our booking officer will get back to you via email to confirm your excursion within 7 working days.
Click here for more information on planning your visit:
If you have any questions regarding this activity, please email us at You need to submit and online enquiry form for any program, no bookings will be taken via email or phone.