Jurabi Turtle Education Eco-tour

Jurabi Turtle Education Eco-tour
De la AUD 25,00 A$
  • Durata: 2 Ore (aprox.)
  • Locatie: Exmouth, WA

The Ningaloo Coast is one of the most important habitats for marine turtles in the Indian Ocean. Three of the world’s seven species of marine turtle mate in the shallows and come ashore to lay eggs along the Ningaloo Coast: the endangered loggerhead turtle; the vulnerable green turtle and the vulnerable hawksbill turtle.

The Western Australian Parks and Wildlife Service conducts evening guided turtle eco-education tours from the Jurabi Turtle Centre for people wanting to view turtles coming ashore to lay eggs from December to March.

Join our guides and scout for female turtles making their way on to the beach to find a suitable place the lay their eggs. Discover facts about the different turtle species and their habitats along the way. Towards the end of the season you may even be lucky enough to encounter turtle hatchlings as they emerge from their nest, making their way to the ocean to start their long journey to adulthood.

Guided turtle eco-education tours increase the chance of finding and observing nesting female turtles in the natural environment. Viewing nesting female turtles and turtle hatchlings with a guide minimises your chance of disturbing turtles.

Meet the guides at Jurabi Turtle Centre at 6:25pm for a briefing & then drive in your own vehicle to a beach nearby. 

JURABI TURTLE CENTRE is located on Yardie Creek Road approx 500m south of Hunter Access.

Suitable for ages 5 and above.